Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ottawa Citizen Editorial on western light rail corridor

The Citizen recently gave a boost to the Carling Avenue route, while also suggesting it might be time to rethink the entire idea of the western extension.
Ottawa Citizen editorial

Monday, June 20, 2011

Where you can read more about the city's plans

If you would like to know what the City of Ottawa has been saying about Byron Avenue as a potential route for light rail, they have a Website.
Western Corridor Light Rail Transit Environmental Assessment
You can see in the "Presentation and Open House Summary" area, that the city is not ruling out having an ABOVE GRADE train in the western corridor. They are also considering two new stations on a Byron/Richmond Road corridor.
Some questions they did not address:
Where would the stations be placed?
Would the homes around the train feel vibrations? Will our foundations be impacted?
What would the sound level be like around our homes?
What would the traffic impact be?

City of Ottawa down to two options on Light Rail extension, and Byron is one of them!

The City of Ottawa has been talking about a WESTERN CORRIDOR of their light rail plan for years, and Byron Avenue has always been thrown around as a possibility.
Now that possibility is nearly a probability, after the National Capital Commission (NCC) nixed the city's request for light rail on the OTTAWA RIVER PARKWAY.
See the CBC's story here on the NCC's rejection

This leaves only Byron Avenue and Carling Avenue as options for the western part of the light rail project.

The "Save the Parkway" people have had their say, it's time for the residents of McKellar Park and other areas around Byron Avenue to be heard. To date, there has been no organized group specifically arguing against Byron Avenue as an option.